Katherine in the age of #metoo

How can we read, understand, appreciate a play that focuses on wooing one woman and taming her sister? Katherine ends the play ostensibly or seemingly capitulating to the power and authority of her husband Petruchio, who has embarrassed her at their wedding, withheld food and sleep from her, and gaslit her. Regardless of Katherine’s initial behavior, whether you view it as shrewishness or simply poor behavior, the idea of taming a woman is anathema to our current beliefs. Let’s unpack what occurs in this play and consider how the language and interpretation can vary.

Does Katherine finally acquiesce to Petruchio’s power or have they reached an agreement in which she is a willing partner in their relationship? Perhaps they have each met their match.

Does the play indict the taming and buying of women as chattel, neutrally accept it, or endorse it?

Can we in 2018 see the humor in this comedy?